Ho boy. Where do I start...

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Cheese on the high seas

The weekend after Thanksgiving, I left DC to go sailing around the British Virgin Islands with my friend Kevin for a week. He rented a 32' sloop and I was his crew!

The trip was AMAZING. I felt like I was living in a Corona commercial! The water was emerald blue, the islands were lush and tropical, and I was able to snorkel with exotic fish and sea turtles. But, this is a blog about my misadventures, so I'll get to the good stuff...

For starters, the people who provisioned our ship made a mistake. They didn't charge us for it, but for several items they gave us double what we ordered. We had 4 chicken breasts, fish filets, and steaks instead of 2.

Kevin and I decided to get a package of Edam and Gouda cheese to eat with crackers, fruit, and wine. Of course, they could have slipped up and given us an extra bottle of wine, but OH NO. Instead, we ended up with 4 packages of EACH cheese. That's right... we had EIGHT POUNDS of cheese.

What makes this even better is that Kevin is lactose intolerant. He brought his medicine, but all the Lactaid in the world wasn't going to help us with that problem. It was all up to me. I was eating cheese sandwiches, cheese and fruit, cheese and crackers, cheese and cheese - well, you get the idea.

Yup. I had a Gouda time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, it's Marc from BR. That makes me think of that Primus album, "Sailing the Seas of Cheese"...LOL!

Too bad you didn't order any high-end vodka for the trip. Imagine them doubling that order...

9:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see you reppin' Teh Ell Ess Shoo!

P.S. I'm jealous...not of the cheese, but of the sailing the Caribbean. Sint Maarten is the most beautiful place in the world.

10:24 AM

Blogger Amanda said...

Two dead in a dingie, Mel! Two dead in a dingie!

3:29 PM


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