Ho boy. Where do I start...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Fairytale Ending

Bad news - It wasn't the plumbing. The leak actually got worse! In an act of desperation, I lived without air conditioning for a few days and spent another day working from home while waiting for a repair man.
Good news - It was the AC, I have a home warranty, and the leak is now fixed.

Bad news - It is going to take me twice as long to get settled because the movers did such a terrible job. Despite me giving them instruction to where my furniture SHOULD be placed, I ended up with a bookcase and twin mattress in my guest bathroom.
Good news - I'll have access to plenty good "bathroom reading material" and will have an especially short trip when I wake up in the middle of the night having to "go." (Just kidding.) In reality, the good news is that I think I might actually see a muscle forming from having to rearrange...

Bad News - Mom was the in the hospital the bulk of last week. They took a bone marrow sample and found "bad cells." She was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome, also known as MDS or preleukemia. While it isn't a "full-blown" case of leukemia, it can progress into acute myelogenous leukemia. She had to receive several transfusions, but was released this weekend. She'll be staring chemotherapy soon.
Good News - My mom is such a strong woman. She battled breast cancer a few years ago. Although I know she is scared and is in a bit of pain from her hospital visit, she remains optimistic.

Bad News - Recently, I have felt so alone. I know I should be happy that I have fulfilled my dream of becoming a home owner. It is just hard to sit back and enjoy it when there are so many things to worry about.
Good News - I have awesome friends who constantly remind me that I am NOT alone. My support net is very strong. A few days ago, I got an email from Angey, one of my biggest cheerleaders. The email said, "This DEFINITELY made me think of you!" and had the attached story:
Once upon a time, a guy and a girl fell in love and were married. The guy treated her like crap, but rather than taking it, the girl set off to start a new life for herself. She summoned up the strength to get a divorce and spent the rest of her life shopping and drinking martinis with friends. She always had a clean house, never had to cook, had a closet full of shoes and handbags, stayed skinny, was never farted on, and lived happily ever after.
I've seen a few different versions of this story on the web, but it was JUST what I needed to hear. True, bad things do happen (as they say, "that's life"). But, I have the love and support of friends, awesome parents, and my very own fairytale ending. :-D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, why do I feel it necessary to point out what tomorrow night is?

A new, full season of College Foobaw starts tomorrow. If that's not the best news EVAR, I dunno what is.

9:15 AM

Blogger Mel said...

EXCELLENT point. Again, thanks to good friends to remind me that life is sweet! Let's hope the ONLY "bad news" for LSU this season is that Death Valley won't be graced by my personal presence.


9:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad News: I'm so sorry to hear your mom was diagnosed with "preleukemia".

Good News: I have "Super-Platelets". If your mom needs a platelet transfusion, I'll be happy to donate. Back when I was in college, I donated platelets for a friend's mom, and it made her critically low platelet count skyrocket. It helped so much that the doctor asked me to come back in and donate again!

Now, I don't know if the years have taken their toll, causing my platelets to lose their superhuman characteristics, but I'll be happy to try and donate them again for your mom if she needs them. Just say the word and my veins are open for business... :)

And don't worry, my dear friend. You are thought of often. :) And if ya get down, I'm only a phone call away. :)

8:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are NOT alone!!

10:44 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

This is the first time I've been to your site. I found your good news /bad news very funny except for your mom I hope that she feels better soon. As far as the house stuff I like to say that it will get easier but I don’t want to lie to a stranger.
Cheers- Greg

4:28 PM


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